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Longford (county), Monaduff (townland)

12/07/2021 7:20 pm
no-avatar offline mastersonmail

Joined: 12/07/2021

Posts: 2

Fardromin school, Drumbad, Monaduff, Ballinamuck, Longford, Kenny, Molloy
Fardromin national school opened in 1887 and closed in 1968. A group of former past pupils are producing a remembrance book and organizing a reunion in Ballinamuck, August 2022. We are trying to contact all past pupils and/or relatives and we are looking for information and photos so that each person/family can be included in the book. We would like to invite everyone to our reunion weekend when we will launch the book. Many former pupils immigrated to the USA and we want to trace as many as we can. Please leave a message on this site if you have any information. Thank you. Catherine Carthy

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