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Donegal (county)

24/04/2009 12:35 pm
no-avatar offline carolann1966mail

Joined: 24/04/2009

Posts: 1

Moses Neely & James Tease
Hi I am researching my Irish ancestry and have found some information but I was wondering if any one can help me further.

The information I have at the moment is as follows:-

Great Grandfather William John Neely born abt 1875 Donegal, Married a Catherine Board in Trenta on the 15th September 1904, Died in Inverness-Shire Scotland in 1961 aged 86.

William’s father my Grt Grt Grandfather John Neely married a Margaret Tease on the 20th Jan 1859 Trenta, Conwal, Letterkenny. I have a copy of the marriage certificate and John’s father was Moses Neely - Farmer. Margaret’s father was a James Tease and I think his occupation looks like Publican. John was full age and Margaret was 16. I have no information on their births or their deaths.

I think I found John’s father Moses in the Griffith’s Valuation 1848 - 1864 Name: Moses Neally Location: Donegal, Conwal, Clooncarney.

I also might have found his death in 1872 Letterkenny, Donegal Approx date of birth 1802, I would like to find who Moses was married to but I am struggling to find this information.

Any information on any of the families above would be much appreciated.

Kind regards Carol Ritchie ms Neely.