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Kerry (county)

07/04/2008 2:33 am
avataroffline dbjolearymail

Joined: 17/12/2004

Posts: 4

Currently working on a theory that Maura Bhui O'Leary Burke's brother Richard Leary/O'Leary, b. 1795, near Inchigeelagh (Tooreenean) who was married five times, (1st to Margaret Cotter circa 1826 and had Jeremiah & John, b. 1827 & 1829) may have decsendants who may still be living in Castleisland, Co. Kerry through John or Jeremiah, b. 1827/29.

Richard's last wife reported to have been a Lyhane/Lehane/Lane and living in Bantry but no record of any children or years living there. Richard, (or one of his sons) may have migrated over the mountain into Kerry in between wives 1 & 5, possibly the Killarney & Castleisland areas.

Does anyone out there have any O'Leary/Lyhane/Lehane/Lane connections in either of these towns with a Michael Leary connection? I have been told that there are still O'Learys in Castleisland, possibly in the baker trade, who may be descendants of the Bhui Sept.

I am looking at the possibility that Richard, b. 1795 was my g.g.grf. and had a son Michael circa 1831 with one of his five wives. I have found Richard Learys in Causeway, married to Ann Dumas, (with son Michael b. 1826 but no proof that he's mine) remarried 10 years later to a Bridget Sullivan, one in Glenflesk, (just outside s/e of Killarney) another in Knockerranibul (uncle to Canon Peter O'Leary of Gaelic langauge fame, 4 miles north of Killarney) and Carrigcullia. (A few miles east of Killarney) Also found Michaels in the 1847 Griffiths in Killarney but can't connect with any of them yet.

Please help if you can. You may contact me at ***


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