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Limerick (county)

14/01/2009 12:07 am
no-avatar offline haybrookmail

Joined: 13/01/2009

Posts: 4

Hayes Family
In 1877 six of the Hayes' Family migrated from Ireland.
Two boys Timothy and Michael came to Australia and two boys and two girls went to America, they were Johanna, Bridget, John and Denis.
Not a lot of research has been done on the American branch at this point. However some information about these families has been extracted from letters written to Johanna Q'Grady in Ireland Johanna O'Grady was the daughter of William who inherited the family farm at Pallas Green The•writer of the letters, Agnes Hayes, was the daughter of either John or Denis Hayes
We have been able to piece together a skeleton family tree of two of the American Hayes', without any information on the parents of the f•amilies.
22/01/2009 8:43 am


12/07/2011 7:33 pm
