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Limerick (county)

17/03/2009 10:53 pm
no-avatar offline lucycmail

Joined: 17/03/2009

Posts: 2

surname Ronan
Hi- Trying to find possible relatives still in Ireland. My greatgrandfather was born in the Limerick Barricks while his dad was a drill sargent for the 87th regiment.

My gr.grandfather was William Joseph Ronan b: 6 Nov 1878. His father was James Henry Ronan born 10 May 1845 in Ireland, but not sure where.

My great great grandfather is listed as a drill sargent of the 87th regiment on my grandfathers birth record/certificate.
James sired at least 12 children that I can document with his wife Elizabeth (Charleton). I know that James was in Halifax, Nova Scotia & then the U.S., but I have no idea how to go about inquiring of his military record, etc.

Any assistance would be appreciated.